Xero & Receipt Bank | BSBR
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Why Xero + Dext?


Xero was built specifically as a cloud-based accounting package for small to medium businesses. It is the perfect package for minimising the amount of time you or your staff spend ‘doing your books’.


Whether it’s simply being able to access your accounts anywhere you have an internet connection – including on your smartphone or tablet – or removing the need for messy paperwork, Xero simplifies most bookkeeping processes.


Xero doesn’t just focus on improving accounting but rather how accounting can be used to improve the business as a whole. Through beautiful, instant reporting, an array of add on applications and real-time collaboration, a business can become drastically more productive and efficient.


A business using Xero can know its financial position, GST liability, upcoming wages, outstanding invoices and many other vital pieces of information in real time. Through dashboards and reports, key business information is available instantly – what you need, when you need it.


Part of Xero’s recipe for success is their constant collaboration with industry leaders. Whether it’s technology companies, banks or associations of accountants and bookkeepers, Xero is plugged into the small business community. This involvement ensures they continually seek to understand small business needs and develop their software to be the best one available.


Business Services by Ren are Xero certified and can assist you with the migration from your old software systems. We can have most businesses up and running in just a few days, or for simple businesses just a few hours! We can also advise on additions from the App Marketplace to help transform your business to one that is more efficient and cost-effective.


The Dext is an amazing piece of software that partners seamlessly with Xero. With this combination, you no longer need to drown in a mountain of receipts, invoices and paperwork.


Using an app on your smartphone or tablet, Dext scans and extracts the data required from the paper receipt or invoice (i.e. supplier, date, amount and GST) and generates the transaction in Xero. It allows you to securely store digitised versions of your receipts removing the need to hold on to any paperwork. If suppliers email documents, Dext can receive them and import them automatically.


Electronic copies are retained in both Dext and attached to each transaction in Xero. Secure and convenient. It is the perfect application for businesses that spend considerably too much time sorting through receipts and paperwork.

Get in touch with us today,

so you can get back on with your business