Business Services By Ren | About
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About BSBR

Business Services by Ren (BSBR) are a dedicated team with over two decades of experience in bookkeeping, finance and administration. Led by Rennae Baker, who has been working with many and varied businesses for the last 20 years, the team can assist you with the implementation of Xero accounting software so you can streamline your business processes.

BSBR can help you improve all areas of your business including:

  • Debtors
    • Invoicing
    • Debt Collection
  • Creditors
    • Reconciliations
    • Payment collation
  • Stock control
  • General ledger
  • Bank reconciliation
  • Fixed assets
  • Financial forecasting
  • Staff training
  • Onsite, remote and telephone support


We also work closely with Dext, an effective document scanning solution, to ensure that you’re not lost in mountains of paperwork, receipts and invoices.


Unlike large, faceless companies, Rennae and her friendly, personable team will communicate with you throughout the entire process ensuring you understand the work, timings and costs involved.


Fully accredited and registered, BSBR became a Xero Gold Partner in 2021.

Get in touch with us today,

so you can get back on with your business

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